Experience Matters
Trump is a pathetic human being. But plenty of pathetic human beings have achieved their goals as national leaders. Trump will in all likelihood be terrible at executing policy, not only because he has no… Experience Matters
Trump is a pathetic human being. But plenty of pathetic human beings have achieved their goals as national leaders. Trump will in all likelihood be terrible at executing policy, not only because he has no… Experience Matters
I don’t have answers if you’re looking for ways to organize and push back against Trump’s policies, but I have a few suggestions for what might help heal your soul. Listen to Bach and Debussy Music… How to Cope
I just spent two weeks in Canada for this. I didn’t see Drake. But Canada was still interesting. People People are friendly but different than Southern-friendly — more like if they started pumping lexapro into the water… Am I a Woe? Two Weeks in Canada
Living through this concussion this past year exposed me to novel, darker sides of the human condition I’d read about before but never felt in my flesh. Finally now on the mend, I can look… So About That Debate
Ted Cruz was as cold blooded as the Zodiac Killer taking the stage tonight. After another awkward nod to Lebron, he addressed the nominee only once. “I congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last… Ted Cruz is a Bad, Bad Man
Popular culture’s vision of the future is pretty dark. As Kevin Kelly, former Wired editor and author of the ‘The Inevitable’, a relentlessly positive vision of the future, explained to me, “There’s no popular culture… Pokemon Go, our messed up world, and optimism
As economists now drive the national conversation across policy spectra, sociologists can’t get no respect. When in 2014 the Obama Administration announced the My Brother’s Keeper initiative aimed at helping young Blacks, no sociologists were… Reviews from Audible: Evicted
This is my first Nassim Taleb book. I had heard of the Black Swan and that he was a bit of an asshole, but had no idea what I was getting into. This guy is… Antifragile: Sometimes assholes know something