Experience Matters
Trump is a pathetic human being. But plenty of pathetic human beings have achieved their goals as national leaders. Trump will in all likelihood be terrible at executing policy, not only because he has no… Experience Matters
Trump is a pathetic human being. But plenty of pathetic human beings have achieved their goals as national leaders. Trump will in all likelihood be terrible at executing policy, not only because he has no… Experience Matters
Living through this concussion this past year exposed me to novel, darker sides of the human condition I’d read about before but never felt in my flesh. Finally now on the mend, I can look… So About That Debate
Ted Cruz was as cold blooded as the Zodiac Killer taking the stage tonight. After another awkward nod to Lebron, he addressed the nominee only once. “I congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last… Ted Cruz is a Bad, Bad Man
The politics At rallies generally the warmup speeches throw some red meat to the crowd. Bernie’s were some of the harshest I’ve ever heard, particularly given that they were all about Hillary and not the… Bernie in Washington Square Park
Trump’s rise is the most disturbing development I’ve lived through in American politics. Very few events have caused me to rethink so many fundamental assumptions about what could and couldn’t happen here. Maybe the concussion… I’m scared
I have a weird hobby of watching other country’s presidential debates. The US model has spread everywhere from Kenya to Indonesia. It’s really interesting to listen to political discourse from other countries and learn how… So, about that debate
This weekend I headed up to my ancestral heartland of Hanover, New Hampshire, to chill with Evan Coates, knock on some doors for Hillary, and hit up some political rallies. Trump He had three songs… Trump, Jeb, and Hillary
Some of the greatest blemishes on America’s military history come from 20th century carpet bombing campaigns. B-17s and B-29s over Dresden, Berlin, Tokyo, and Hiroshima likely shortened WWII and saved Americans, but no nation should… GOP Foreign Policy Discourse Displays America’s Darkest Instincts