Experience Matters
Trump is a pathetic human being. But plenty of pathetic human beings have achieved their goals as national leaders. Trump will in all likelihood be terrible at executing policy, not only because he has no… Experience Matters
Trump is a pathetic human being. But plenty of pathetic human beings have achieved their goals as national leaders. Trump will in all likelihood be terrible at executing policy, not only because he has no… Experience Matters
I don’t have answers if you’re looking for ways to organize and push back against Trump’s policies, but I have a few suggestions for what might help heal your soul. Listen to Bach and Debussy Music… How to Cope
Living through this concussion this past year exposed me to novel, darker sides of the human condition I’d read about before but never felt in my flesh. Finally now on the mend, I can look… So About That Debate
After not seeing my team make the playoffs since I turned 10, I didn’t think there was much more shame I could wring out of the Bills…until this. Fuck that noise After sixteen years of dedication… When your team’s coach introduces Donald Trump
Trump’s rise is the most disturbing development I’ve lived through in American politics. Very few events have caused me to rethink so many fundamental assumptions about what could and couldn’t happen here. Maybe the concussion… I’m scared
Could Ye beat Trump? An uphill battle… Kanye isn’t a fluent public speaker. He often meanders, getting lost in his own words while forgetting to pay attention to the audience. Trump speaks in short sentences and… Ye and Trump / From the Nosebleeds: Yeezy Season 3 / TLOP Track by Track